Monday, August 18, 2014

How To Be A World Changer 

Rule 1:Find Something To Fight For
We all wake up with our own purposes every morning.Some of  us wake up to go to work.Some of us wake up to prepare breakfast.Some of us wake up to go to school.Some of us wake up to go to loo.There are so many reasons which make us wake every morning.My reasons? I'll definitely say MY DREAMS! Every morning while saying hello to a new day I always ask myself "What are you gonna do to come closer to your dreams?"I need to ask this and do something useful for them.Because I found something to fight for and even die for.

We all have so many beautiful dreams.Some of us have dreams which involve just "us" but some of us have dreams which involve "US".I know I wrote the same thing twice but this "US" has a different meaning for me."US" means "Me and World".From the beginning I always want to do great things both for me and the others.Because I'm aware of the fact that I'm not living alone in this world.While I'm writing this and drinking my tea,so many people out there are starving.So many of them don't have any home to live in.So many of them are going through hard days because of the war.So many of them don't have any family or friends to lean on.Some of them have so many dreams but don't have any way to make them come true.Some of them have to hide their personalities,their sexual,political,religious choices.They have no freedom to act like the way they think and feel.Some of them have mental illnesses.Some of them have self-harm issues and even have thoughts about suicide.How can I stay quiet while knowing that so many people are suffering out there!That's why I made my decision.I want to help them all and change this world at least a little.And I will give my everything to make them come true.And "Finding something to fight for" is the first step that you should take on the road of your dreams.

Now first you need to know yourself.You know to ask yourself "What I want? What am I living for? What are my dreams? Where I want to be in 10 years time?"Mark your goal and hit the road! If you don't know where are you going it doesn't matter how much you work.Can you imagine a ship without a route? No? Then mark your goal!

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